Psychodrama Therapy with children

► Introduction
“A child is very serious when playing.”
– J. Rousseau
The psychodramatic therapy of children differs profoundly from treating adults with this method and demands a lot from the psychodrama therapist. Children communicate differently from grown-ups. Playing is their instrument of expressing their inner world and they use symbols to do so. One can say:
Playing is their „royal way“ to express the unconscious. They search for their possibilities by „Doing and Acting“. They test their inner images by acting it out and bringing it onto the appropriate stage.
Children play, choose subjects, places and roles. That is the way they express themselves, develop and have fun. Presumably this is the origin of the psychodramatic therapy. Jacob L. Moreno based his psychodramatic work on this kind of play and
included the basic steps and elements of the human development.
Children are characterized by an outstanding creativity. They can change sorrowful situations into a game with symbols and find solutions for their own conflicts. Constitutive psychodramatic fundamental techniques are adopted by the vivid, childish play.
Child psychodrama supports the self-development and the advancement of children in a special way.
► Concept
The course teaches the main principles of this sym- bolic play with children in theory and practice, corre- sponding psychodramatic techniques for action and the appropriate use of psychodramatic options for intervention in both group and individual therapy. The accompanying work with parents or with the parents and the child is also part of the training.
The participants will learn to recognize the inner dyna- mics in groups of children and deal with them actively through play. They do so by experiencing themselves in analogous play situations, in exercises and reflection and guided methodological and theoretical evaluations. By actually participating in group or individual sessi- ons in the roles of children, they gain an awareness of themselves, gain access to themselves as children, and thereby ‘playfully’ reinforce their personal skills.
► Target Group
Professionals who work with children educationally and / or therapeutically such as child and adolescent psychotherapists, physicians, psychologists, mental health and social workers, teachers, and educators.
► Group leaders

Stefan Flegelskamp
Graduate social worker, child and adolescent psychotherapist, Supervisor, has been working with children and adolescents for many years. He has also been conducting Psychodrama
and Psychodrama for children trainings for many years at the Institute of Psychodrama Szenen, at which he has been the director since 2011.

Milena Mutafchieva
PhD of Developmental Psychology, Associate Professor in Cognitive Science and Psychology Department in New Bulgarian University, Sofia. She got
her PhD in Developmental Psychology in 2007. She has been a psychodrama trainer for adults for many years and recently she became psychodrama psychotherapist for children.

Stefan Flegelskamp
Graduate social worker, child and adolescent psychotherapist, Supervisor, has been working with children and adolescents for many years. He has also been conducting Psychodrama
and Psychodrama for children trainings for many years at the Institute of Psychodrama Szenen, at which he has been the director since 2011.

Milena Mutafchieva
PhD of Developmental Psychology, Associate Professor in Cognitive Science and Psychology Department in New Bulgarian University, Sofia. She got
her PhD in Developmental Psychology in 2007. She has been a psychodrama trainer for adults for many years and recently she became psychodrama psychotherapist for children.
► Szenen im Profil
Szenen Institute is member of the German Association for Psychodrama (DFP) and of the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organization (FEPTO)
► Participation Fee
For 5 days Training:
300,– EUR for eastern European participants
400,– EUR for western European participants Venue costs are not included.
► Venue
Center „Cognitiva“, Sofia, Bulgaria
► Date
Opening: 21st of April 2020, 10 o’clock Closure: 25th of April 2020, 14 o’clock
At the end of the Training, participants will receive a Certificate of attendance. Those participants who are interested to receive a Diploma for Psychodrama with children therapist will have the opportunity to do it after fulfilling the additional requirements.
► Registration
Registration and further information:
Institut für Psychodrama
Barbarossaplatz 7 (Ecke Kyffhäuserstr. / Roonstr.) 50674 Köln
Phone: +49 (0) 221-67 789 352
► Duration of the group
The group will continue for 2 years, consists of 4 trainings, 5 days each, 2 training weeks per year.