Уважаеми клиенти,
Във връзка с пандемията от Корона вирус Covid-19 искаме да Ви уверим, че Център за детско развитие и психологическо консултиране „Когнитива“ взема сериозни предпазни мерки за ограничаване на заразяването на територията му:
- Individual consultations and psychotherapy are carried out exclusively with masks worn by both the therapist and the client during the sessions.
- Group leaders and group participants wear masks at all times.
- The rooms are disinfected after each group session - by using the appropriate disinfectants and bactericidal ozone-free lamps in all rooms.
- Mandatory disinfection of the hands of those entering the center.
- Persons (children, parents, therapists) with clear symptoms of respiratory disease are not allowed in the center.
- Only clients and therapists are permitted inside the center.