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Trainings for Parents

What are parenting trainings?

Being a parent is a challenging task. It is not uncommon for us, amidst our everyday efforts to provide our children with a healthy and productive life, to ask ourselves: “Am I a good parent?”

At Cognitiva, we will accompany you in the search for the answer with trainings and seminars covering the following subjects:

How to calmly communicate with our children

Discipline – a sign of love or an attempt to control

Why the child requires attention

How to handle aggressive behaviour

✓  Subjects proposed by you, and others.


The trainings and seminars have an informative, as well as a self-experience part. Using the method of psychodrama you will be able to explore yourself in the role of a parent and to achieve the change you want. You will also have the opportunity to swap experience with the other participants/parents.

Who are parenting trainings suitable for?

For parents, who:

 Want to learn more about the development of their children

Have specific worries or questions, which they would like to share and get an opinion of

Are interested in which are the most commonly experienced difficulties during parenthood

✓  Want to communicate in a full and informed way with their children

Format and duration of parenting trainings

The format of these trainings is flexible and dependent on the specific topic or inquiry. They have be a one-time session of 2-3 hours, or multiple sessions focused on different topics.

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