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The Cognitiva Team

доц. д-р Милена Мутафчиева

psychologist, psychodrama trainer and therapist

Milena Mutafchieva is an associate Professor in the Cognitive Science and Psychology Department of the New Bulgarian University. She got her PhD in Developmental Psychology in 2007. She is a child and adolescent psychotherapist. She has been a psychodrama trainer for adults since 2003, and a psychodrama with children trainer since 2020. She has held seminars in Greece, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, etc. Since 2016 she has been a co-leader of several international groups for training in psychodrama with children. She founded Center for Child Development and Psychological Consulting “Cognitiva”, Sofia, Bulgaria. She was a main partner in Evidence Based Trauma Stabilization project (EBTS- 2017-2019), funded by Erasmus+ Programme of EU. From 2015 to 2017 she was the Vice-president of Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations (FEPTO). Since 2020 she has been a coordinator of FEPTO Network Group for Psychodrama with Children and Youth.

Assist. Prof. Kristina Gotseva-Balgaranova, PhD

psychologist, psychodrama trainer and therapist

Kristina Gotseva-Balgaranova is an assistant Professor in the Cognitive Science and Psychology Department at New Bulgarian University, Sofia. She got her PhD in Psychology (Developmental Psychology) in 2018. She is a group and an individual child, adolescent, and adult psychotherapist. She is a psychodrama trainer for adults and, has been a psychodrama with children trainer under supervision since 2020. She is a psychotherapist in the Center for Child Development and Psychological Consulting “Cognitiva”, Sofia, Bulgaria. For many years she is conducting research projects related to child development. She has attended many scientific and psychodrama conferences in Bulgaria and abroad. She was in the research team in the Evidence Based Trauma Stabilization project (EBTS- 2017-2019), funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.

Sonia Semah

psychologist, psychodrama therapist, family consultant

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Family Consulting at New Bulgarian University. In 2014 she achieved the qualification of psychodrama therapist from the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices. She has worked as a school psychologist and is currently working as a psychologist at a kindergarten. She has been a part of numerous national child development projects, including a project financed by UNICEF Bulgaria for an age validation of standards for early child development and learning. She is a member of the Bulgarian Society of Psychodrama and Group Therapy and has participated in numerous international psychodrama seminars.

Denitsa Petrova

psychologist, individual and group psychotherapist for children and adults

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work at New Bulgarian University. She is a Jungian psychodramatists, as well as a child psychodramatists. She has worked as a psychologist at the Family-type placement center for children and youth, at the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (SRIC), as well as a school psychologist. She has worked on the “Reducing Poverty and Promoting Social Inclusion” Project as part of the Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2014-2020. She has carried out trainings of the staff at the Family-type place center for children and youth and at the SRIC. She has taken part as an expert in several projects financed by both national and international programs and has been a part of numerous international psychodrama seminars.

Dara Vassileva

psychologist, psychodrama therapist

Dara Vassileva has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a secondary specialization in Speech Therapy, and a Master's degree in Developmental Psychology at NBU. She has experience in the field of child development; scientific research on thinking of preschool-aged children; she is a partner in the laboratory of cognitive development at NBU; ex-intern at an autism day center; participation in lectures and seminars in the field of psychodrama. She has earned the qualification of a psychodrama therapist for children at The InterPlay International Institute. She is training in psychodrama with adults at the Institute for Psychodrama Practices Chiron. She has taken part in a European project for social inclusion of children and youth living in foster care. She works as psychologist at a kindergarten.

Desislava Koleva

psychologist, psychodrama therapist

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology at New Bulgarian University. In 2016 she achieved the qualification of psychodrama therapist at the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices and in 2020 she completed her training in psychodrama with children. She is a leader of psychodrama training groups under supervision, patient groups for adults and psychodrama groups for children aged 4-12. She is currently completing a program for trainers at the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices. She has acquired qualifications as a consultant in eating disorder at the “Unikal” Institute, working with children aged 6-12 and children with special educational needs (SEN) using the Montessori method at the Montessori Association Hand in Hand. She works as a school psychologist for children with SEN. She participated in projects related to child development and the application of innovative methods for working with children. She also works with children in sensory integration.

Assist. Prof. Ivo Popivanov, PhD

psychologist, psychodrama assistant, neuropsychologist

Ivo Popivanov is a psychologist with a Master’s Degree in Cognitive Science from the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, and a PhD in Neuroscience from KU Leuven, Belgium. He is also a psychodramatist with qualification as a psychodrama assistant from Institute “Chiron” (2012) and a psychodrama therapist with children from Cognitiva and Szenen Institute (2018) and has specialized in Clinical Neuropsychology at Medical University Sofia (2018). Currently, he is an Assistant professor in the “Cognitive Science and Psychology” department of the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, and a neuropsychologist at the Diagnostic and Consulting Center of the “Alexandrovska” Hospital in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Nikolay Koev

psychologist, Jungian psychodrama therapist

Nikolay Koev has a Bachelor's degree in English Philology at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and has fulfilled her requirements as part of the Developmental Psychology Master's Program at NBU. He is a Jungian psychodrama therapist and ius currently continuing his education in psychodrama with children at Cognitiva and Szenen. He leads adult Jungian psychodrama groups and child psychodrama groups. He has taken part in a European project for social inclusion of children and youth living in foster care. He has experience working as a school psychologist and has taken part in numerous international seminars in the field of psychodrama.

Ana Behar

speech therapist, teacher

Bachelor’s degree in Preschool and Primary School Pedagogy and Master’s degree in Speech Therapy at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, as well as postgraduate qualification as a foreign language teacher.
She has many years of experience as a teacher and speech therapist, supporting both children with learning difficulties and those with clear potential in different learning areas.
She works with children of preschool and primary school age in speech development, language skills, fine motor skills; correction of articulation disorders, assistance in learning activities; and anticipatory learning for children without learning disabilities.

Alexandra Sarkizova

psychologist, psychodrama therapist with children and adults under supervision

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in speech therapy at New Bulgarian University. She has experience in psychodiagnostics with preschool children, children with communication disorders, and children with SEN. She participated in scientific projects that researched the thinking of children of preschool and school age from different ethnic communities in Bulgaria. She is currently training in psychodrama at the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices, as well as in psychodrama with children at Cognitiva and Szenen Institute of Psychodrama. She has participated in trainings, projects, and seminars in the field of psychology of child development and child psychopathology.

Vanya Dimova

psychologist, psychodrama assistant

Vanya Dimova has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and Master's Degree in Developmental Psychology at the New Bulgarian University. She has taken part in a European project for social inclusion of children and youth living in foster care. As a partner at the laboratory of cognitive development at NBU, she has taken part in scientific project, which research early child development and thinking. She has worked as a school psychologist and has training in psychodrama with adults and children. She has earned participation certificates from trainings, projects, and seminars in the field of child development and psychodrama and has earned the qualification for working with children aged 6-12 years with special educational needs in the Montessori method.

Lilyana Mladenova

psychodrama therapist for children, psychodrama assistant

Bachelor's degree in English Philology at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and has fulfilled her requirements as part of the Developmental Psychology Master's Program at NBU. Has achieved the qualification of psychodrama assistant at the Institute for Psychodrama, Individual and Group Psychotherapy Bernhard Achterberg and is a certified psychodrama therapist with children at the Szenen Institut, Cologne and the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices. She has participated in European projects for social inclusion of children and youth living in foster care.

Elena Mihaylova-Burova

psychologist, psychodrama therapist with children and adults under supervision

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in speech therapy at New Bulgarian University. She has experience in psychodiagnostics with preschool children and children with communication disorders. She participated in scientific projects that researched the thinking of children of preschool and school age from different ethnic communities in Bulgaria. She has achieved the qualification of child psychodrama therapist at InterPlay International Institute. She is currently training in psychodrama with at the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices. She has participated in trainings, projects, and seminars in the field of psychology of child development.

Димитър Мутафчиев

психолог, психодрама терапевт за деца под супервизия

Димитър Мутафчиев е завършил бакалавърска програма „Психология“ в "Universiteit van Amsterdam" в Амстердам с допълнителна специализация по клинична психология. Участва като младши изследовател в Evidence-Based Trauma Stabilization Project (EBTS– 2017-2019), финансиран от Еразъм+ на ЕС. От 2024 г., участва като сътрудник в PlayMore Project, финансиран от Еразъм+ за интеграция на психодрама метода в детски градини.

Julianna Tsvetkova

speech therapist, teacher

Julianna Tsvetkova has graduated University of Veliko Tarnovo with a degree in “Preschool Pedagogy and Speech Therapy”. She is currently practicing as a speech therapist and educator. She used to be a speech therapist at a government subsidized institution “Daily Care Centre for Children with Disabilities” for 4 years. She has also improved her qualification and skills by attending two courses: “Testing the Phonological Awareness and Quick Naming as Predicting Disabilities in Reading Using Picture Test for Phonological Awareness- children aged 4-7” and “Development of Phonological Awareness, Helping the Process of Improving Literacy, in Preschool and Early School Years.” organized by Speech Therapy Centre “Talk With Me”.

Stefan Flegelskamp

social worker, psychodrama trainer and therapist for children and adults, supervisor

Graduate social worker, child and adolescent psychotherapist, and supervisor. He has been a psychodrama trainer for adults since 2000, and a psychodrama with children trainer since 2010. He has worked for 10 years in the Residential Care Unit for Traumatised children in Urft, Germany and 8 years in Specialised clinic for drug-addicted young adults in Schalkenmehren, Germany.
He has been the head of the Institute of Psychodrama “Szenen”, Cologne, Germany since 2011. He has held seminars in Greece, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, etc. Since 2016 he has been a co-leader of several international groups for training in psychodrama with children
From 2015 to 2017 he was a member of the Council of Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations (FEPTO). Since 2016 he has been a coordinator of FEPTO Network Group for Psychodrama with Children and Youth.
Понастоящем Stefan Flegelskamp е директор на Институт за психодрама„Szenen“, Кьолн, Германия, ко-директор на Международния Институт за Хуманистична Психотерапия с Деца ИнтерПлей Интернешънъл и е супервизор на отбора на Когнитива.

доц. д-р Милена Мутафчиева

psychologist, psychodrama trainer and therapist

Milena Mutafchieva is an associate Professor in the Cognitive Science and Psychology Department of the New Bulgarian University. She got her PhD in Developmental Psychology in 2007. She is a child and adolescent psychotherapist. She has been a psychodrama trainer for adults since 2003, and a psychodrama with children trainer since 2020. She has held seminars in Greece, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, etc. Since 2016 she has been a co-leader of several international groups for training in psychodrama with children. She founded Center for Child Development and Psychological Consulting “Cognitiva”, Sofia, Bulgaria. She was a main partner in Evidence Based Trauma Stabilization project (EBTS- 2017-2019), funded by Erasmus+ Programme of EU. From 2015 to 2017 she was the Vice-president of Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations (FEPTO). Since 2020 she has been a coordinator of FEPTO Network Group for Psychodrama with Children and Youth.

Assist. Prof. Kristina Gotseva-Balgaranova, PhD

psychologist, psychodrama trainer and therapist

Kristina Gotseva-Balgaranova is an assistant Professor in the Cognitive Science and Psychology Department at New Bulgarian University, Sofia. She got her PhD in Psychology (Developmental Psychology) in 2018. She is a group and an individual child, adolescent, and adult psychotherapist. She is a psychodrama trainer for adults and, has been a psychodrama with children trainer under supervision since 2020. She is a psychotherapist in the Center for Child Development and Psychological Consulting “Cognitiva”, Sofia, Bulgaria. For many years she is conducting research projects related to child development. She has attended many scientific and psychodrama conferences in Bulgaria and abroad. She was in the research team in the Evidence Based Trauma Stabilization project (EBTS- 2017-2019), funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.

Sonia Semah

psychologist, psychodrama therapist, family consultant

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Family Consulting at New Bulgarian University. In 2014 she achieved the qualification of psychodrama therapist from the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices. She has worked as a school psychologist and is currently working as a psychologist at a kindergarten. She has been a part of numerous national child development projects, including a project financed by UNICEF Bulgaria for an age validation of standards for early child development and learning. She is a member of the Bulgarian Society of Psychodrama and Group Therapy and has participated in numerous international psychodrama seminars.

Denitsa Petrova

psychologist, individual and group psychotherapist for children and adults

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work at New Bulgarian University. She is a Jungian psychodramatists, as well as a child psychodramatists. She has worked as a psychologist at the Family-type placement center for children and youth, at the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (SRIC), as well as a school psychologist. She has worked on the “Reducing Poverty and Promoting Social Inclusion” Project as part of the Operational Programme Human Resource Development 2014-2020. She has carried out trainings of the staff at the Family-type place center for children and youth and at the SRIC. She has taken part as an expert in several projects financed by both national and international programs and has been a part of numerous international psychodrama seminars.

Dara Vassileva

psychologist, psychodrama therapist

Dara Vassileva has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a secondary specialization in Speech Therapy, and a Master's degree in Developmental Psychology at NBU. She has experience in the field of child development; scientific research on thinking of preschool-aged children; she is a partner in the laboratory of cognitive development at NBU; ex-intern at an autism day center; participation in lectures and seminars in the field of psychodrama. She has earned the qualification of a psychodrama therapist for children at The InterPlay International Institute. She is training in psychodrama with adults at the Institute for Psychodrama Practices Chiron. She has taken part in a European project for social inclusion of children and youth living in foster care. She works as psychologist at a kindergarten.

Desislava Koleva

psychologist, psychodrama therapist

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology at New Bulgarian University. In 2016 she achieved the qualification of psychodrama therapist at the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices and in 2020 she completed her training in psychodrama with children. She is a leader of psychodrama training groups under supervision, patient groups for adults and psychodrama groups for children aged 4-12. She is currently completing a program for trainers at the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices. She has acquired qualifications as a consultant in eating disorder at the “Unikal” Institute, working with children aged 6-12 and children with special educational needs (SEN) using the Montessori method at the Montessori Association Hand in Hand. She works as a school psychologist for children with SEN. She participated in projects related to child development and the application of innovative methods for working with children. She also works with children in sensory integration.

Assist. Prof. Ivo Popivanov, PhD

psychologist, psychodrama assistant, neuropsychologist

Ivo Popivanov is a psychologist with a Master’s Degree in Cognitive Science from the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, and a PhD in Neuroscience from KU Leuven, Belgium. He is also a psychodramatist with qualification as a psychodrama assistant from Institute “Chiron” (2012) and a psychodrama therapist with children from Cognitiva and Szenen Institute (2018) and has specialized in Clinical Neuropsychology at Medical University Sofia (2018). Currently, he is an Assistant professor in the “Cognitive Science and Psychology” department of the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, and a neuropsychologist at the Diagnostic and Consulting Center of the “Alexandrovska” Hospital in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Nikolay Koev

psychologist, Jungian psychodrama therapist

Nikolay Koev has a Bachelor's degree in English Philology at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and has fulfilled her requirements as part of the Developmental Psychology Master's Program at NBU. He is a Jungian psychodrama therapist and ius currently continuing his education in psychodrama with children at Cognitiva and Szenen. He leads adult Jungian psychodrama groups and child psychodrama groups. He has taken part in a European project for social inclusion of children and youth living in foster care. He has experience working as a school psychologist and has taken part in numerous international seminars in the field of psychodrama.

Ana Behar

speech therapist, teacher

Bachelor’s degree in Preschool and Primary School Pedagogy and Master’s degree in Speech Therapy at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, as well as postgraduate qualification as a foreign language teacher.
She has many years of experience as a teacher and speech therapist, supporting both children with learning difficulties and those with clear potential in different learning areas.
She works with children of preschool and primary school age in speech development, language skills, fine motor skills; correction of articulation disorders, assistance in learning activities; and anticipatory learning for children without learning disabilities.

Alexandra Sarkizova

psychologist, psychodrama therapist with children and adults under supervision

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in speech therapy at New Bulgarian University. She has experience in psychodiagnostics with preschool children, children with communication disorders, and children with SEN. She participated in scientific projects that researched the thinking of children of preschool and school age from different ethnic communities in Bulgaria. She is currently training in psychodrama at the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices, as well as in psychodrama with children at Cognitiva and Szenen Institute of Psychodrama. She has participated in trainings, projects, and seminars in the field of psychology of child development and child psychopathology.

Vanya Dimova

psychologist, psychodrama assistant

Vanya Dimova has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and Master's Degree in Developmental Psychology at the New Bulgarian University. She has taken part in a European project for social inclusion of children and youth living in foster care. As a partner at the laboratory of cognitive development at NBU, she has taken part in scientific project, which research early child development and thinking. She has worked as a school psychologist and has training in psychodrama with adults and children. She has earned participation certificates from trainings, projects, and seminars in the field of child development and psychodrama and has earned the qualification for working with children aged 6-12 years with special educational needs in the Montessori method.

Lilyana Mladenova

psychodrama therapist for children, psychodrama assistant

Bachelor's degree in English Philology at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and has fulfilled her requirements as part of the Developmental Psychology Master's Program at NBU. Has achieved the qualification of psychodrama assistant at the Institute for Psychodrama, Individual and Group Psychotherapy Bernhard Achterberg and is a certified psychodrama therapist with children at the Szenen Institut, Cologne and the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices. She has participated in European projects for social inclusion of children and youth living in foster care.

Elena Mihaylova-Burova

psychologist, psychodrama therapist with children and adults under supervision

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in speech therapy at New Bulgarian University. She has experience in psychodiagnostics with preschool children and children with communication disorders. She participated in scientific projects that researched the thinking of children of preschool and school age from different ethnic communities in Bulgaria. She has achieved the qualification of child psychodrama therapist at InterPlay International Institute. She is currently training in psychodrama with at the Chiron Institute for Psychodrama Practices. She has participated in trainings, projects, and seminars in the field of psychology of child development.

Julianna Tsvetkova

speech therapist, teacher

Julianna Tsvetkova has graduated University of Veliko Tarnovo with a degree in “Preschool Pedagogy and Speech Therapy”. She is currently practicing as a speech therapist and educator. She used to be a speech therapist at a government subsidized institution “Daily Care Centre for Children with Disabilities” for 4 years. She has also improved her qualification and skills by attending two courses: “Testing the Phonological Awareness and Quick Naming as Predicting Disabilities in Reading Using Picture Test for Phonological Awareness- children aged 4-7” and “Development of Phonological Awareness, Helping the Process of Improving Literacy, in Preschool and Early School Years.” organized by Speech Therapy Centre “Talk With Me”.

Stefan Flegelskamp

social worker, psychodrama trainer and therapist for children and adults, supervisor

Graduate social worker, child and adolescent psychotherapist, and supervisor. He has been a psychodrama trainer for adults since 2000, and a psychodrama with children trainer since 2010. He has worked for 10 years in the Residential Care Unit for Traumatised children in Urft, Germany and 8 years in Specialised clinic for drug-addicted young adults in Schalkenmehren, Germany.
He has been the head of the Institute of Psychodrama “Szenen”, Cologne, Germany since 2011. He has held seminars in Greece, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, etc. Since 2016 he has been a co-leader of several international groups for training in psychodrama with children
From 2015 to 2017 he was a member of the Council of Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations (FEPTO). Since 2016 he has been a coordinator of FEPTO Network Group for Psychodrama with Children and Youth.
Понастоящем Stefan Flegelskamp е директор на Институт за психодрама„Szenen“, Кьолн, Германия, ко-директор на Международния Институт за Хуманистична Психотерапия с Деца ИнтерПлей Интернешънъл и е супервизор на отбора на Когнитива.

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