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Evidence Based Trauma Stabilization (EBTS) (2017-1-FI01-KA204-034785)

Проектът е финансиран от програма Еразъм+ към Европейския съюз

Целта на проекта е да създаде и приложи програма за стабилизиране при преживяване на травма при семейства на бежанци, имигранти и търсещи убежище. Програмата EBTS е краткосрочна и предназначена за двойки родител-дете. Тя включа 4 сесии за психо-обучение и 5 игрови сесии с двойките родител-дете, основани върху основните идеи и методи на пиходрамата с деца , създадена от Алфонс Айхингер и Валтер Хол в Германия. След обучение програмата ЕBTSможе да бъде прилагана от специалисти като психолози, социални работници, обучители и др.

В проекта участват 8 европейски партньори от България, Германия и Финландия.

Фондация „Когнитива“ е координатор за България. В рамките на проекта са обучени 39 специалисти от трите страни, работещи с бежанци, търсещи убежище и имигранти.

Trauma stabilization for refugee families – innovation project 2017-2019

Evidence Based Trauma Stabilization (EBTS) consists of two innovative products for stabilization of traumatized children among refugee, asylum seeking and immigrant families. The EBTS-Program is a short trauma stabilization process for refugee, asylum seeking and immigrant families. In the EBTS-Training psychologists, social workers, educators and other professionals learn to conduct the EBTS-Program in groups of refugee families.

This project is born in the present need of more effective working with refugee, asylum seeking and immigrant families. The European situation is challenging, and as professionals we should find new ways of supporting the integration of refugees in our society. One way to do it, is to support constructive relations between children and parents and to develop resilience in the families. Most of refugee, asylum and immigrant families have some kind of trauma experience in their original country or on their way to destination country.

The goal of the project is to create and implement an Evidence Based Trauma Stabilization (EBTS) training and program that will expand professional expertise of specialists who work with refugee, asylum seeking and immigrant families.

The objectives of the project include design of EBTS-Training and EBTS-Program and impact evaluation of both. The core content of the EBTS-Training will include familiarization with EBTS-Program, psycho-education and improving the skills for psycho hygiene and self-care. The EBTS-Program is based on combination between treatment of adult and child trauma simultaneously and building of basic skills how to deal with trauma.

EBTS-Training and EBTS-Program will be implemented in Germany, Finland and Bulgaria. Partner organisations in this project are:

  • Helsinki Psychodrama Institute / Istry Oy (coordinator, Finland)
  • Szenen Institute for Psychodrama (Germany)
  • Center for child development and psychological consultation Cognitiva (Bulgaria)
  • New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria)
  • SKM Köln-Sozialdienst Katholischer Männer e.V. (Germany)
  • State Agency for Refugees with Council of Ministers (Bulgaria)
  • Finnish Family Therapy Association (Finland)
  • FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations, associated partner, Belgium)

The development and research of the two innovative products are financed 2017-2019 by Erasmus+ Adult Education: Cooperation for innovations and exchange of good practices in transnational Strategic Partnerships (2017-1-FI01-KA204-034785).

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